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Waimea Valley Historical Nature Park (formerly Waimea Audubon Center) is a beautiful and extensive set of gardens located on the north shore, near Waimea Bay Beach and east of Haleiwa. The main attractions here are the plants, rare birds, and a waterfall that may or may not be running depending on recent rainfall. Be sure to bring water, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Take your time and explore the various gardens carefully. If you bring a swimsuit, you can make the short swim out to the Waihee Falls waterfall (also called Waimea Falls) -- use the free lifejackets.

The Waimea Valley (formerly Waimea Valley Audubon Center) underwent a change of ownership in spring 2008. It is one of Oahu's last intact ahupuaa, a stretch of land that reaches from the mountains to the sea, and is now under the ownership and management of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA). Many of the photo pages below are still labeled "Waimea Audubon Center" because they were taken prior to the change of ownership.

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