Elisabeth Kaahumanu Plaque
Kawaiahao Church, Honolulu, Oahu. This sign tells the story of a very important woman, the favorite wife of Kamehameha I, first king of a united Hawaii. It reads: "In memory of Elisabeth Kaahumanu, Daughter of Keeaumoku and Namahana. She was born about 1773 at the foot of the hill Kauiki on east Maui; became a wife of Kamehameha I at 13, and was his favorite until his death in 1819. After the death of Kamehameha II in 1823 she wisely ruled the Hawaiian people as Queen Regent until her death in 1832. Although naturally proud and haughty she early in her regency humbly accepted Jesus as her Saviour, was baptized at Kawaiahao in June 1825, and labored earnestly to lead her people to Christ. She was spoken of by the American Mission as 'a distinguished reformer of her nation, a kind friend and benefactress of the missionaries, and a faithful comforter of the infant churches in these isles.' As she was falling asleep in Jesus, at the age of about 59, in the beautiful valley of Manoa, just before dawn of June 5, 1832, fully trusting in her saviour, she repeated the following lines of a Valmer Hawaiian hymn: Eia no au, e lesu, E, E nana oluolu mai. Lo, here am I, O Jesus, Grant me thy gracious smile."